Why Self-Pay for TherapyFor anyone who’s curious about whether or not they could benefit from therapy, there’s one way to tell for sure: Are you breathing? Great. You need therapy.

All joking aside, all of us can benefit from therapy at one point or another. No matter who you are or what you have, the road gets bumpy and scary at times.

If you’re hoping to get support through a challenge you’ve been facing, and are wondering whether to self-pay or use your insurance, here are some of the benefits of paying out of pocket for therapy.

You Don’t Need Approval for Services

When you use insurance to pay for therapy, you have to prove that your situation is “bad” enough that mental health services are necessary, and then the insurance decides how many sessions to authorize. The number is arbitrary. Every individual is unique, and no one—especially not the insurance company—can predict how fast it will take to feel better.

If you self-pay for services, you’re not bound to any set standard or timeline. And best of all, you don’t need to prove anything to anyone.

You Don’t Need a Diagnosis

In order to qualify for mental health treatment through insurance, you need to be diagnosed with a mental health condition. While there’s nothing wrong with being formally diagnosed, for most people, it doesn’t change anything. And for some, a diagnosis can seem like a big insurmountable barrier standing in the way of healing or generally feeling better.

You have to qualify for mental health treatment through  your insurance company.For people who are facing a stressful time or a tragic loss, having the support of a therapist to help them navigate is extremely powerful, and can ensure they don’t get stuck or lost along the way.  There are many extremely challenging life circumstances that there’s no real diagnosis for, yet bearing the burden of them and trying to cope without help from a professional can prolong and sometimes even exacerbate the experience. 

If you self-pay, you can get the treatment you need without being denied by insurance or having to face other obstacles to prove you meet their requirements for care.

You Can See Anyone

People who seek treatment through insurance are limited to who they can see; they’re only able to see therapists that are within the network of their insurance. 

If you decide to self-pay, you can choose whoever you like. You have the freedom to see the provider you enjoy working with.

What You Share Remains Between You and Your Therapist

Insurance companies get pretty intrusive. If they want to ensure the treatment you’re receiving is “medically necessary,” they can request treatment notes and a synopsis of what you’re going through to determine if it’s “severe” enough to be deemed worthy of being paid for by them.

If you pay privately, the information stays between  you and your therapist.Depending on the situation and an individual’s comfort level with private matters, this can feel like a gross violation of privacy. 

If you pay privately, you don’t have to worry about any of that. What you share stays between you and your therapist.

If you live in Roseville or Fair Oaks and are curious about self-paying for therapy, give us a call. We have a variety of different self-pay options that accommodate different budgets. 

Therapy in Roseville, CA, Fair Oaks, CA, or Online in California:

If you are ready to change for the better, we can help. Our therapists are ready to support you in your journey towards creating a healthy and happy lifestyle. To begin counseling in Roseville, CA area, or counseling in Fair Oaks, please follow these three simple steps:

Services Offered at The Relationship Therapy Center in California:

Our Sacramento area counseling clinics located in Roseville, CA and Fair Oaks, CA are pleased to offer a variety of mental health services. Our services include but are not limited to: Couples counseling, counseling after infidelity, sex therapy, co-parent counseling, family therapy, divorce counseling, intensive couples retreats, and premarital counseling. Our individual therapy services include, anxiety treatment, therapy for children, teen therapy, depression treatment, and individual relationship counseling. We also offer online counseling to California residents. Please contact our office to learn more about the many ways we can help you and your loved ones.