Family Therapy

You are tired of the fighting and disappointment.

You want your family to feel whole again and for everyone to get along.

Family relationships, even in the best of circumstances, can take some major work. Most families go through periods of time where they don’t get along. Perhaps, feelings were hurt, major life changes have occurred, or maybe you just don’t get along. Family dynamics are complicated and ever-changing.

People start family therapy in California for MANY reasons:

Family therapy in California

Family Relationships are Complex

Even Adult Families Can Benefit From Counseling

Sometimes, families can become less connected over time. Even as adults, you might become distant and unable to relate as you once did. Grudges and long-held family secrets can cause problems that even the most well-adjusted adults cannot move past without professional help. Maybe a family member is struggling with mental illness and the rest of the family doesn’t know how to respond. No matter when you come to therapy, we can help you feel more like a family again.

Family Counseling, The Relationship Therapy Center Way

Family Counseling, The Relationship Therapy Center Way

When you come to family therapy, you will meet with a therapist who is compassionate and impartial. We do not assign blame or fault. We will listen to everyone and clarify the problem. Then, we will figure out what is causing the pain your family is experiencing. The entire family will benefit from feeling heard. This will cause strong emotions and behaviors to be replaced with cooperation and understanding.

In family therapy, you will learn how to communicate better, solve problems, learn appropriate boundaries, explore new family roles, and find healthier ways to be together as a family unit. If your family has experienced trauma, a therapist will help you process what happened and help you move forward.

The Relationship Therapy Center Offers Online Family Therapy

Imagine a Family With Less Conflict and More Peace

Begin Family Therapy in the Sacramento Area and Online in California

Family Therapy

Other Services offered at The Relationship Therapy Center in California:

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