What Does it Mean to Process Your Feelings?

What Does it Mean to Process Your Feelings?

Feelings are powerful. We all know the joys of basking in the good ones, and the misery that occurs when it swings the other way. As part of our survival, humans evolved to be hyper-aware of the bad feelings. The negative, potentially scary and “dangerous” ones are...
Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

For anyone who’s curious about whether or not they could benefit from therapy, there’s one way to tell for sure: Are you breathing? Great. You need therapy. All joking aside, all of us can benefit from therapy at one point or another. No matter who you are or what you...
5 Qualities to Look for In a Good Therapist

5 Qualities to Look for In a Good Therapist

For many, the prospect of therapy – of having to open up and share your deepest most vulnerable self with a stranger – is terrifying. In fact, fear is cited as one of the main reasons many people who could benefit from therapy opt out, instead. However, the key to...
Grief Beyond Death: How to Navigate Loss

Grief Beyond Death: How to Navigate Loss

Most people will experience grief during their life in one way or another. Losing a friend, partner, parent, spouse, family member or anyone else who held great significance in your life is devastating, and can feel very painful. It’s important to have some healthy...
5 Stages of Grief and How to Cope with It

5 Stages of Grief and How to Cope with It

Grief comes in many different shapes and forms and affects each person differently. Grief can come in the form of a death in the family, a termination of a romantic relationship, the loss of a friend. In this article, we address the 5 different stages of grief and how...
9 Ways to Overcome Grief

9 Ways to Overcome Grief

Feeling grief can be one of the most difficult parts of the human experience. When we lose something we love, be it a loved one, a relationship, a situation, or an experience, it is normal to go through a period of mourning. It’s important to not be ashamed of...