Sex Therapy

You haven’t had sex in months, or maybe even years.

The passion is gone.

One of you is more interested in sex than the other, and it’s starting to become a problem.

It has become impossible to talk about what you need and want in bed.

Sex Therapy

Experiencing a lack of intimacy in your relationship is a signal that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. Intimacy issues can be caused by many different things. For example, you may be struggling to connect and communicate with your partner and don’t feel like being intimate. This can be especially challenging if there are trust issues in your relationship. Or, you may be having trouble connecting to your own sense of sensuality. Maybe you have a history of sexual trauma or reproductive trauma, or you are living with chronic pain and that makes a sexual relationship difficult.

It can seem like the sexual relationship you once had or wanted will never happen again.

You might think this is just a normal part of life now. Something everyone goes through. Your “season” is over, and you don’t have realistic options. It’s possible you’ve found yourself considering things that you never imagined doing because you feel so lonely in your relationship right now. Do any of these sound familiar?

Common Reasons to Come to Counseling for Intimacy Issues or Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy

The Good News: There is hope for your relationship!

Intimacy issues seem impossible to work through. But, you are craving the closeness with your partner and you want to have a sexual relationship with them. You know sex and intimacy in your relationship is something worth fighting for. Our caring therapists want to work with you and help you regain intimacy in your relationship again. We want to know what your goals are and what might be getting in the way. You are not broken. You can have a healthy, happy sex life again. Couples counseling can help. Don’t’ keep searching for a “marriage counselor near me” – set an appointment today.

The Relationship Therapy Center’s Approach to Sex Therapy in California

Sex Therapy

Sex Therapy and Counseling for Intimacy Issues Works!

After working through these issues in sex therapy, you will feel more comfortable talking about and initiating sex. We want you to have a life full of passion and romance. You can have connection, excitement, and a renewed sex life after sex therapy! After meeting with a relationship therapist at The Relationship Therapy Center in the Sacramento Area, you and your partner will be more affectionate. You will feel a sense of connection and friendship with each other again! What’s holding you back from having a sexual relationship with your partner?

Online Sex Therapy in the State of California

The therapists at the Relationship Therapy Center understand that it can be hard to come to our office for therapy with your partner. Maybe you’re having trouble coordinating schedules or are concerned about your privacy. But, we want all couples to have access to sex therapy if they desire it. Therefore, we offer online sex therapy to couples in the state of California. As long as both you and your partner are both physically located in the state, then we can have an online session wherever you feel comfortable at a time that works for both your schedules. We offer online appointments in the evenings and on the weekend for your convenience.

Begin Sex Therapy in the Sacramento Area:

Sex Therapy

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