Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

For anyone who’s curious about whether or not they could benefit from therapy, there’s one way to tell for sure: Are you breathing? Great. You need therapy. All joking aside, all of us can benefit from therapy at one point or another. No matter who you are or what you...
When Mother’s Day is Hard

When Mother’s Day is Hard

For many of us, Mother’s Day comes with a lot more than a pleasant brunch and a bouquet of flowers. Perhaps you still have questions, or lingering unresolved irritation that bubbles out unexpectedly, and you find yourself lashing out at your mom like a teen—surprising...
How to Take Care of Your Children’s Mental Health

How to Take Care of Your Children’s Mental Health

As a parent, your child’s wellbeing is hands down your number one priority. You’ve bandaged cuts and attended to bruises with loving care, doing your best to comfort your child—all the while wishing there was more you could do.  And when you see your child struggle...
How Can Families Discuss Mental Health Openly?

How Can Families Discuss Mental Health Openly?

Can you imagine if a loved one developed a physical illness, and rather than address it when the symptoms first emerged, nobody talked about it? Can you imagine a physical illness was only discussed when the symptoms got so bad–that was the moment people tried to fix...
Questions to Help Draw Out Withdrawn Kids and Teens

Questions to Help Draw Out Withdrawn Kids and Teens

Being a parent is a flying by the seat of your pants kind of roller coaster, except no one’s there to ensure you’re tall enough to ride or strap you in safely.  The teen years are notorious for presenting a challenge that’s felt by both parents and teens alike....
7 Hidden Signs of Teen Anxiety

7 Hidden Signs of Teen Anxiety

Anxiety in teens is tricky. While a little bit sprinkled throughout the teenage years is normal, how do you know how much is too much? If your teen seems to be struggling, what can you do to help – especially if they aren’t as open with you as they used to...