Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

For anyone who’s curious about whether or not they could benefit from therapy, there’s one way to tell for sure: Are you breathing? Great. You need therapy. All joking aside, all of us can benefit from therapy at one point or another. No matter who you are or what you...
5 Qualities to Look for In a Good Therapist

5 Qualities to Look for In a Good Therapist

For many, the prospect of therapy – of having to open up and share your deepest most vulnerable self with a stranger – is terrifying. In fact, fear is cited as one of the main reasons many people who could benefit from therapy opt out, instead. However, the key to...
Could You Be Codependent Without Realizing it?

Could You Be Codependent Without Realizing it?

Codependence. It sounds nice, doesn’t it? Like two people in a mutually beneficial alliance, dependent on one another because they’re so in love they just can’t help themselves.  Yet far from being something to aspire toward, the word belies the truth:...
5 Signs Codependency is Ruining Your Relationship

5 Signs Codependency is Ruining Your Relationship

The term “codependency” refers to the excessive emotional or psychological reliance on your partner in a relationship. While codependency is common in partnerships where one person is recovering from an illness or addiction, it’s not altogether uncommon for people to...
Caretaking vs. Caregiving, Part Two

Caretaking vs. Caregiving, Part Two

One of the most common questions our therapists get asked is: What is the difference between caretaking and caregiving? In order to answer this question, we first need to talk about codependency. Codependency is a behavioral pattern, typically learned in childhood,...
This Year, Give Yourself the Gift of Boundaries

This Year, Give Yourself the Gift of Boundaries

What are boundaries?Boundaries are simply dividing lines, physical or metaphorical dividers that say “over here” is what I am comfortable with, and over there is not”. Boundaries mark the space where we end and others begin. They allow us to separate who we are from...