What Does it Mean to Process Your Feelings?

What Does it Mean to Process Your Feelings?

Feelings are powerful. We all know the joys of basking in the good ones, and the misery that occurs when it swings the other way. As part of our survival, humans evolved to be hyper-aware of the bad feelings. The negative, potentially scary and “dangerous” ones are...
PTSD Awareness: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

PTSD Awareness: What Is It and How Is It Treated?

The truth?  There’s probably a lot more people suffering from PTSD than we’ll ever know. The effects of trauma exist on a spectrum, and people all have differences when it comes to their threshold for discomfort and the ways they manage.  Some deny their mental...
Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

Why Self-Pay for Therapy?

For anyone who’s curious about whether or not they could benefit from therapy, there’s one way to tell for sure: Are you breathing? Great. You need therapy. All joking aside, all of us can benefit from therapy at one point or another. No matter who you are or what you...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, which begs an honest question: what is mental health, really?  In a nutshell, mental health encompasses our inner world. It includes things like psychological and emotional well-being, as well as the nature of our relationships to...
Why Do I Need Therapy? I Can Talk to Friends & Family, for Free!

Why Do I Need Therapy? I Can Talk to Friends & Family, for Free!

You’ve probably heard people say this before. In fact, maybe you’re one of them, “why go to therapy? What’s the point of wasting money talking to a stranger, when I can talk to friends or family, for free?” Now, there is no denying it. There are absolutely situations...
Am I Good Enough? How to Overcome Toxic Shame

Am I Good Enough? How to Overcome Toxic Shame

Shame is excruciating and harmful. At its core, shame is the belief that we’re not good enough. Childhood is where most people acquire this message and the resulting shame-related wounds. What Contributes to Toxic Shame? Childhood abuse, neglect, trauma, bullying… all...