
Flying Solo This Valentine’s Day? No worries, we got you covered

Flying Solo This Valentine’s Day? No worries, we got you covered

When you’re single, Valentine’s Day can feel personal. It arrives with a vengeance, pink and red everywhere. Innuendos and couples doing couple things. Chocolate, flowers, lingerie and more.

All serving as a reminder: you’re alone.

But here’s the deal: First, you’re not alone. Second, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being single.

We’ve got some great ideas on how to have fun this Valentine’s Day without a significant other. These tips will lessen the sting, and still allow you to participate in the holiday… if you want to, that is.

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2025 Calm: Beat Anxiety Now!

2025 Calm: Beat Anxiety Now!

Ah, the new year. A time of excitement and anticipation… and for those who suffer from anxiety, unfortunately there’s some of that, too.

To help you reduce stress and breathe easy in the new year, we’ve got some practical tips on setting resolutions without increasing anxiety. Find out how to beat anxiety and reach your goals.

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Beating the January Blues: Mental Health Tips for a Fresh Start

Beating the January Blues: Mental Health Tips for a Fresh Start

Beating the January Blues: Mental Health Tips for a Fresh Start
As magical as the Holidays are, they can be triggering too.

Many people have tricky (exhausting!) family dynamics to maneuver. Or there’s a death or loss that feels especially painful because that someone is no longer here to celebrate. And then, there’s food. All that delicious sugary yumminess—enjoyable in the moment, but very quickly overindulgence becomes bloating, brain fog, and general feelings of blah.

Finally, adding to all of that are shorter days and less sunlight.

No wonder so many people experience sadness, lack of energy, and additional stressors this time of year!

Thankfully, there are ways to make it through. Here are some simple, kind, and gentle ways to help you navigate, and carry yourself to brighter days.

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New Year, New Bonds – 2025 Connection Goals

New Year, New Bonds – 2025 Connection Goals

New Year, New Bonds – 2025 Connection Goals

That New Year’s energy is mighty alluring, and it’s impossible to not get drawn into a state of reflection: How did the previous year go, and what dreams and aspirations do you have for the next?

Typically, new year’s resolutions tend to err on the personal—a valiant solo effort to improve health, finances, or some other worthy challenge. Rarely do these resolutions involve someone else.

Which—if you’re in a relationship—seems like a missed opportunity. Coming up with relationship goals strengthens your bond, deepens intimacy (both physical and emotional), lessens the likelihood of you drifting apart, improves communication, and much, much more.

With all those benefits, why not reflect on the state of your union, and jump at this chance to better your relationship?

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Start the Year with Relationship Goals

Start the Year with Relationship Goals

Start the Year with Relationship Goals

Remember that first year together? It was all so effortless. You could literally be doing nothing, yet simply because the two of you were together, you were having the best time in the world.

As anyone who’s been in a long term relationship knows, that passion and ease felt during the early stages doesn’t last forever. Real life sets in, and when that occurs you either have to put effort into the relationship—work to stoke that flame and keep it burning bright—or allow it to slowly and painfully fizzle out.

When you think about your relationship, where are you on that spectrum? Is your relationship continuously growing, or are you two slowly drifting apart?

Since New Year’s is all about reflection and resolutions, let’s take stock of your relationship—and if you realize you may be headed for trouble, don’t worry. We can help.

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Do You Qualify as a Power Couple?

Do You Qualify as a Power Couple?

Most people in relationships would probably never think to consider themselves part of a power couple.

Some believe the term is solely reserved for unions of the rich and famous—and therefore achieving such a lofty classification is beyond reach—and others aren’t quite sure what a power couple actually is.

The truth is, being part of a power couple is more common than you may realize. So common in fact, that you could be part of one without even knowing. Let’s take a look at what the term actually means, and define the qualities that turn a ‘regular’ couple into a power couple.

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Entrepreneurial Love – Balancing Love and Business

Entrepreneurial Love – Balancing Love and Business

Entrepreneurial Love – Balancing Love and Business
Entrepreneurs are often told to strive for balance. As if a harmonious union between their work and home life exists—they just need to work a little harder to find it.

Perhaps the reason so many entrepreneurs find balance so elusive is because both business and personal relationships cycle through busy and not so busy times. These constant ups and downs are sure to throw off even the most astute equilibrium, and perhaps a better word to help entrepreneurs get closer to ‘balance’ is boundaries.

Here are some tips entrepreneurs can use to have it all: a flourishing personal and professional life.

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Is Parenting Overwhelming You?

Is Parenting Overwhelming You?

Being a parent is rewarding—and also incredibly challenging. No two children are alike. The first born may be happy and content, and then the second child arrives… Sleep becomes a distant memory, patience gets tested, and parents desperately seek answers: what are we doing wrong?

Even though no guidebook exists to seamlessly shepherd you through the parenting experience, there are resources available. If you’re struggling with your role as a parent, if you find parenting overwhelming, here’s something that can help.

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Support Kids Mental Health This Season

Support Kids Mental Health This Season

Wondering how you can support your kids mental health this season?
Seasonal changes can affect everyone—including children.

As adults, most of us are aware of how seasonal change plays out, and understand that typically the pangs and unease are transitory in nature.

Children—especially if they haven’t experienced something like it before—may not know what’s going on, and may be ill-equipped to process or understand should feelings of unease occur. Just like most things, when it comes to mental health, knowledge is power.

The transition from summer to autumn and winter can be especially challenging as loss of daylight and colder weather means more times indoors.

Here are some of the ways you can attune yourself to your child’s mental health this season, and support them in the process.

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Unlock Intimate Conversations

Unlock Intimate Conversations

When you hear the word “intimacy,” what comes to mind?

Most people correlate the word with sex, and they’re not wrong. However, intimacy is also defined as closeness, affinity, and togetherness.

Having the type of intimate conversations with your partner that make you feel more aligned with them—you know, the discussions that reveal who you are on a deeper level—benefit all aspects of the relationship… including your sex life.

Think of intimate conversations as providing the nutrients that help sustain the relationship.

All this being said, it’s pretty easy to neglect taking care of a relationship in this manner, especially since the importance of intimate and personal conversations is something that’s often not mentioned in those how-to articles, aimed at helping revive ailing relationships.

Let’s change that, shall we?

It’s time to have intimate conversations.

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Top Couples Spats: Guess the #1 Reason!

Top Couples Spats: Guess the #1 Reason!

Want to know the number one reason for couple’s spats?

Any guesses?

Here’s a hint: Shakespeare knew…

This is the reality: Most couples make much ado about nothing. Not to say that what’s being discussed is inconsequential, of course it matters. It’s the delivery and emotion—coupled with how healthy or unhealthy the communication and relationship dynamics are—that escalates a conversation into an argument.

Let’s take a deeper look at what causes these spats, and tricks couples can employ to communicate more effectively.

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Spice Up Conversations: Let’s Talk Intimacy

Spice Up Conversations: Let’s Talk Intimacy

The way sex evolves within a relationship is fascinating. In the beginning, it’s basically the only thing couples actually do.

Yet as the months lead to years, sex and sexual desire tends to wane—or at least it becomes less of a priority. Without all the “love” chemicals that were present during the early stages, over time sex can begin to feel like more of a chore.

If you’re looking to spice things up, here are some great conversation starters designed to help you do just that. And don’t worry, if the prospect of “talking dirty” or discussing ways to heat up your sex life with your partner makes you squirm or blush, we’ve got some fairly neutral conversation starters as well.

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A Couples Counselor Explained Why Conflict Resolution Is Only Possible In A Safe Space

A Couples Counselor Explained Why Conflict Resolution Is Only Possible In A Safe Space

In a recent article by Writer: Emma Patterson of Dating on A Couples Counselor Explained Why Conflict Resolution Is Only Possible In A Safe Space

The Scoop: Couples who find themselves in therapy usually want to solve an acute issue in record time. But as Nancy Ryan, LMFT at Relationship Therapy Center, told us, conflict resolution can’t be rushed. It’s all about listening, emotional regulation, and creating a safe space where conflict resolution is possible.

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Master Building Positive, Lasting Relationships

Master Building Positive, Lasting Relationships

If only people knew: the secret to mastering a lasting and fulfilling relationship is a lot easier than many are led to believe.

The key lies in prioritizing the relationship. In order to keep it alive, it needs to be tended to with small gestures often.

For anyone looking to tune up their relationship, here’s what you need to do.

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How to Recognize Red Flags When Dating

How to Recognize Red Flags When Dating

Ah, the dating pool. A chaotic confusing place full of mixed messages and red flags.

The optimist in us believes red flags are easy to spot, yet that’s typically not how it works. It’s easy to see them in other people’s relationships, sure. It’s just way more challenging to perceive them in our own.

So, to ensure you don’t become so distracted and hyper fixated on someone that you miss all their red flags—or worse, see the red flags and hastily try and paint them white—it’s important to have a clear understanding of what they are.

Before getting into the red flags though, let’s briefly go over why you might miss them in the first place.

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