Ways to Increase Passion in Your Marriage

Ways to Increase Passion in Your Marriage

We all know how incredible it feels to be consumed by desire. Clothing gets ripped off, phones forgotten, and—you know what happens next. As the years go by, what once felt so powerful and incredible dwindles. It becomes obligatory, routine. And that’s if it even...
Why Authenticity is Important in a Relationship

Why Authenticity is Important in a Relationship

Is being an adult basically just trying to undo the damage that occurred during childhood—that and a hefty dose of never-ending paperwork?  Maybe. Childhood is a confusing maze of trying to please adults while also trying to fit in with peers. From an early age,...
The Four Horsemen and Their Antidotes

The Four Horsemen and Their Antidotes

If you’re in a relationship, there are four seemingly inconsequential things that—if you’re not careful—have the ability to take what you’ve worked so hard for, and smash it to pieces. The Four Horsemen as they’re often called are the main reason most relationships...
What Makes You Anxious?

What Makes You Anxious?

Anxiety is a bully. Because it has complete access to your mind, it knows your deepest fears. It knows the exact buttons to push—all your nightmare scenarios—that send you spiraling.  If you give it an inch, it takes a mile. The more you acquiesce and give in to its...
Why Some Men Avoid Couples Counseling

Why Some Men Avoid Couples Counseling

If you’re a male who’s skeptical about couples therapy—or more likely, if there’s a male in your life who is—this is a ploy to expose the misconceptions. This list debunks some of the most common excuses men use to avoid couples counseling. Feel free to share this...