What Strategies Improve Your Mental Health?
Just like physical health, you need to attend to your mental health, too. However when life gets busy or requires a lot from us, it is all too easy...
Could Artificial Intelligence Replace Therapy?
Answering this question involved doing what any investigative reporter would do, make a beeline for the source. was asked, “could AI...
Why Do I Need Therapy? I Can Talk to Friends & Family, for Free!
You’ve probably heard people say this before. In fact, maybe you’re one of them, “why go to therapy? What’s the point of wasting money talking to a...
What is the Success Rate of Couples Therapy?
This pertains more to men than women: in many instances, there’s something worse than the fights. Worse the disconnect, the ‘this isn’t working.’...
When Things Get Hard – Do You Quit, or Stay in It?
Learning and implementing a new skill is easy! Just kidding. In fact, it’s such a challenge for so many of us that trying to teach others how to...
How Do I Recover from Trauma?
Here’s a harsh reality: sometimes, the aftermath of a traumatic event – the residual lingering trauma – can be just as bad (if not worse!) than the...
Post Pandemic: Do People Have More Anxiety Now?
Life before. Remember how innocent we all were? Most of us could never have conceived of what happened. It’s safe to say the pandemic shook us all....
Am I Good Enough? How to Overcome Toxic Shame
Shame is excruciating and harmful. At its core, shame is the belief that we’re not good enough. Childhood is where most people acquire this message...
How to Have Self-Care and Boundaries During the Holiday Season
When you’re a youngster, the Holiday season is magical and exciting. Halloween kicks it all off, and for the rest of the year it’s sweets, treats,...
5 Qualities to Look for In a Good Therapist
For many, the prospect of therapy – of having to open up and share your deepest most vulnerable self with a stranger – is terrifying. In fact, fear...
How Childhood Trauma & Neglect Adversely Impact Adulthood
Multiple studies attest to the lasting impact of childhood trauma, violence, and neglect. The residual effects carry through into adulthood and...
Why Smart Couples Choose Couples Therapy
Guess what? When it comes to relationships – and frankly almost everything in life – you’re not expected to have all the answers. You don’t have to...
Signs of Depression and When to Seek Help
True or false? If you’re able to get out of bed each morning and make it into work, you can’t be that depressed. If you guessed false, you’re...
Questions to Help Draw Out Withdrawn Kids and Teens
Being a parent is a flying by the seat of your pants kind of roller coaster, except no one’s there to ensure you’re tall enough to ride or strap you...
How to Break Bad Habits
Bad habits come in every shape, size and form. Smoking cigarettes, excessive online shopping, mindless scrolling, there’s no shortage of bad habits we can easily integrate if we so choose.
Reach out to start your healing journey today