I was very pleased to be one of the featured experts in a “Best Marriage Advice by 75 Experts for a Rock Solid Relationship” article on Marriage.com. “Every marriage has a share of highs and lows. While there is no trouble getting through the...
Passive aggressive, just like many other psychiatric terms, has become a label used in everyday speech. Unfortunately, that means it often gets stamped onto behavior that isn’t at all passive aggressive, and it loses its meaning.But passive aggressive behavior is a...
Does it sometimes feel like your spouse is from another planet? That the two of you speak totally different languages? That’s actually not so far from the truth. Men and women do have different ways of communicating. To remedy communication problems, those differences...
Has your relationship between you and your partner become stale and routine? Does it feel like you have a friendly (or not so friendly) roommate? It’s time to do something about it right now! Some common signs that things have gone stale: feeling lonely...
Have you ever been talking for awhile and noticed that the person you were talking to wasn’t paying attention? An especially irritating instance is when someone asks you a question about something….”Hey how are things going with your new...
I have been talking to quite a few clients lately who describe their relationship as “verbally abusive.” I previously wrote a blog on what a verbally abusive relationship looks like in case you are wondering. I find that many people are so...
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