Is Parenting Overwhelming You?

Is Parenting Overwhelming You?

Being a parent is rewarding—and also incredibly challenging. No two children are alike. The first born may be happy and content, and then the second child arrives… Sleep becomes a distant memory, patience gets tested, and parents desperately seek answers: what are we...
Support Kids Mental Health This Season

Support Kids Mental Health This Season

Seasonal changes can affect everyone—including children. As adults, most of us are aware of how seasonal change plays out, and understand that typically the pangs and unease are transitory in nature.  Children—especially if they haven’t experienced something like it...
Is Child Therapy Effective?

Is Child Therapy Effective?

If your child is struggling with behavioral issues or has experienced a recent trauma or loss, early therapeutic intervention is one of the best ways to help them cope. Countless studies show how incredibly devastating unresolved childhood trauma can be, and how it...
How to Take Care of Your Children’s Mental Health

How to Take Care of Your Children’s Mental Health

As a parent, your child’s wellbeing is hands down your number one priority. You’ve bandaged cuts and attended to bruises with loving care, doing your best to comfort your child—all the while wishing there was more you could do.  And when you see your child struggle...
How to Handle Behavior Problems: Tips for Parents

How to Handle Behavior Problems: Tips for Parents

Your mind catches, almost shorts out. Your child just hurled the F-word at you. Time slows down; you realize you’re in uncharted territory. You know that your reaction is important…but what are you supposed to do?Kids don’t come with instruction...
The Gift of Mental Health Tools for Children

The Gift of Mental Health Tools for Children

Many people have the misconception that therapy for children is only necessary if they have an uncontrollable behavior problem, or have experienced a huge loss or trauma.The truth is, a child could have the best, most idyllic childhood ever, and still experience...