5 Practical Tips to Deal with a Emotionally Explosive Spouse

5 Practical Tips to Deal with a Emotionally Explosive Spouse

Dealing with an emotionally explosive spouse is not easy. One minute you’re fine and you feel like you know your partner, the next, you feel like you’re married to a stranger.While every marriage has its ups and downs, emotional explosions and angry outbursts really...
What to Do When Substance Abuse is Destroying Your Marriage

What to Do When Substance Abuse is Destroying Your Marriage

Substance abuse can wreak havoc on a marriage. Has it brought yours to the brink of total collapse?Have you given up trying to figure out how to help your spouse break free from substance abuse? Is your life so chaotic that you’ve contemplated divorce? Are you sure...
Recognize and Cope With Your Spouse’s Passive Aggressive Behavior

Recognize and Cope With Your Spouse’s Passive Aggressive Behavior

Passive aggressive, just like many other psychiatric terms, has become a label used in everyday speech. Unfortunately, that means it often gets stamped onto behavior that isn’t at all passive aggressive, and it loses its meaning.But passive aggressive behavior is a...