4 Ways to Handle an Explosive Spouse

4 Ways to Handle an Explosive Spouse

Anger is a totally normal human emotion that can and should be expressed in healthy manners to help resolve conflict between two (or more) people. Some people experience anger in a way that creates an intense buildup in the body which results in showing their...
10 Questions to Ask Before a Second Marriage

10 Questions to Ask Before a Second Marriage

It does nobody any favors to enter into a marriage blindly, whether it is your first, your second, or your fifth. Although the following questions might feel too vulnerable or difficult at first, asking and answering them with your partner before the wedding will...
How to Recover From An Affair

How to Recover From An Affair

Couples can recover from affairs. It’s a long process and a process that requires both partners to give of themselves, to be open, present, and vulnerable, but it can be done.  An affair often causes trauma and PTSD. These usually inflict the betrayed partner,...
VIP Couples Intensives to Heal Your Relationship

VIP Couples Intensives to Heal Your Relationship

Why a Couples Intensive? There are a lot of reasons why a couple might choose to attend a couples intensive together. Although the following list shows examples of why a couple may choose to attend a retreat, the reasons will be different for each couple. You’ve...
The Once-A-Week Conversation All Couples Should Have

The Once-A-Week Conversation All Couples Should Have

Our world today is busy and even when we live in the same house with our significant other, we may not get to see them or talk to them often during the week. In order to stay on the same page, to remain connected to one another with careers and children and everything...
Six Ways to Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship

Six Ways to Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship

Like all good things in life, creating and maintaining intimacy in relationships takes time, effort, and practice. Depending on your own experience with intimacy, and your connection with your partner, creating intimacy can be either incredibly fun, incredibly...