What is CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Your heart rate increases as you make your way over to your phone. You sent the text an hour ago, and have checked it at least 10 times since. You hit the home button and…nothing.No text, just the time. A big glaring reminder that over an hour has passed since...
Is Trauma the Culprit of Your Suffering?

Is Trauma the Culprit of Your Suffering?

It’s a beautiful sunny day. You’re relaxed, lost in a daydream as you walk your dog through your neighborhood. All of a sudden, two pit bulls come out of nowhere. Your poor lab is defenseless as they lunge, and tear at his neck. He’s on his back, yelping,...
What To Do if Someone Threatens Suicide

What To Do if Someone Threatens Suicide

Suicide is one of the most difficult topics we confront in our lives. It is a highly complex and distressing issue that often, we’d rather never have to think about, let alone face. That said, it is vital to understand what action you can take if someone you know...
How To Recover From Trauma

How To Recover From Trauma

With the rise of social media, trauma has become a widely talked-about topic over the past several years. It seems that everyone is seeking to understand trauma, how it happens, where it comes from, and how to recover. There are many different types of trauma, and...
What Did the Pandemic Do to Our Mental Health

What Did the Pandemic Do to Our Mental Health

It’s no secret that the pandemic has created one of the world’s largest modern health crises. But with the physical symptoms of covid being so prevalent, the mental implications have been left on the sidelines. This pandemic will affect us all in one way or...
Play Therapy for Children

Play Therapy for Children

Therapy has benefits for everyone. For adults, therapy can help us process unresolved issues, learn to build healthier relationships, and cultivate self-awareness and self-confidence. But guess what? Therapy has the same benefits for children too. The only difference...