Anxiety rates all around the world are at an all-time high. Shelter-in-place, as well as increased panic or fear of the unknown, may be causing your family to experience an increased amount of stress. In order to comply with social distancing, as well as to protect the health and safety of both staff and clients, The Relationship Therapy Center is offering online treatment options for family counseling out of Roseville, CA. If you would like help navigating this time or support in areas where you feel weak, online therapy may be a great resource for you.
Regardless of whether your family has been to therapy together before or this would be a first-time experience, seeing a therapist in an online setting can help you navigate the uncertainty of COVID-19 with more ease. With the guidance of a licensed professional, you will learn tools to proactively create peace and stability in your home, as well as begin to communicate on a deeper level, resolve conflict more peacefully, and connect more vulnerability in a safe space.
How Can Online Therapy Help?
Learn to be a support system for one another. Clear communication and conflict resolution can help your family learn to lean into each other during this challenging time, ensuring that you come through this stronger than before.
Identify each individual’s different communication styles. Everyone handles stress in different ways and a therapist is a neutral observer who will listen to your family, learn your dynamic, and offer insights and guidance that you may be missing. He or she will also offer practical tools for healthy communication and conflict resolution.
Create a daily schedule and routine that works for everyone. One of the most difficult and confusing things about COVID-19 is that for most of us, daily routines have been disrupted or even demolished. Structure is more important than ever right now and a therapist will work with your family to establish a routine and a flow that works well for both the group and the individuals.
Learn to share space. Because we have been asked to stay at home, it is more important than ever that we respect each other’s boundaries, personal space, and alone time. None of us are used to being at home all of the time, let alone being home together all of the time. Therapy is a safe space to open up about the struggles, as well as the successes, that you are experiencing and to come up with a plan for how your family can best learn to share space while sheltering-in-place.
Balance the needs of each individual with the needs of the family. Discover the intricacies of each person and how to honor their needs in addition to the needs of the family as a whole.
Learn tools and techniques for managing stress and anxiety. Breathing, exercise, and listening to music are all things you can do together as a family or take time to do alone. Make a plan on how to use laughter, games, and creativity as medicine in your home.
Dive into your mindset and begin to shift your perspective. Learn to focus on what you do still have – family, music, meals, games, laughing, exercise, creativity – instead of focusing on what has been taken away and what you cannot do. Create a vision for your family that you all agree on and want to work towards.
Become empowered as a cohesive family unit. Tackle this time together and feel confident that you will come through COVID-19 stronger and healthier than before.
The world is changing at a rapid pace right now and because of this, it is more important than ever that we check in with ourselves and our loved ones on a regular basis. If you are a parent, this is especially important because you are a role model for your children; how you show up and respond to these challenges will teach your children to do the same. If you want guidance or need a support system, online family therapy is a great resource for exactly this. Contact The Relationship Therapy Center to schedule your first appointment.