When planning a wedding, the air is abuzz with excitement. The focus is geared toward dresses and tresses, venues and menus. And yet… At this point, we all know the statistics: in the USA, the likelihood of getting a divorce is between 40 and 50 percent. And that’s...
The word “love” is yet another great example of how the English language fails us. You’ve probably heard the Inuit have over 50 words for “snow,” and even though snow can get pretty deep, love is way deeper. It’s a complex feeling experienced in different ways, and...
Want to know one of the biggest misconceptions about Valentine’s Day? Many people seem to think that you have to be in a relationship to celebrate it. The reality is, it doesn’t matter if you’re single or not. This holiday is all about love. And why not show...
This piece is for couples and singles alike. Many of us grow up with unrealistic expectations of love. These ideas are often limited, portrayed as a feeling—such as butterflies, non-stop chemistry, or someone coming along and sweeping you off your feet. The deeper...
Well folks, the secrets out. We all know now that the key to a happy successful relationship is communication. But… What does that mean? What does it look like in everyday life, like–how do you actually do it? The truth is, communicating like a pro involves a lot more...
For the most part, you scored the jackpot with your partner. They’re kind. You love spending time with them. They make you laugh and support you emotionally. The two of you contribute equally to the relationship. Except…yeah. There are a few challenges. They’re...
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