How to Stop Negative Thoughts

How to Stop Negative Thoughts

Thoughts are powerful. Maybe you’ve noticed – the more negative they are, the more they command your attention. Studies suggest that around 80% of scenarios that replay in the average person’s brain are negative. In fact, the reason you’re here today is partially...
9 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

9 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

As anyone who’s graced a health food store supplement aisle or the expansive self-help section at a bookstore knows: when it comes to how we feel, many of us are struggling.  From supplements promising ‘Calm,’ ‘Energy,’ and ‘Focus,’ to books with titles like,...
Is Your Anxiety Affecting Your Kids?

Is Your Anxiety Affecting Your Kids?

Remember Whac-A-Mole, that arcade game where you had to hit the moles that popped up with a mallet in a wild anxious frenzy?To a degree, life can feel like that too. From the second the alarm clock pierces through our dreams, it’s off to the races: brush teeth, get...
Top 9 Tips to Manage Anxiety

Top 9 Tips to Manage Anxiety

Let’s get one thing clear, right off the bat.  When you’re anxious, your brain feels like it’s been hijacked. This makes it hard to think rationally. It’s extremely challenging to not get caught up in the high-pressure stream and carried away.Take the following...
Lunch and Learns: How to Disarm Stress & Boost Productivity

Lunch and Learns: How to Disarm Stress & Boost Productivity

If, when someone tells you to “relax your shoulders… unclench your jaw…” Your shoulders drop two inches, your jaw softens, and you think wow, I had no idea I was this tense, you’re not alone.Stress is a chameleon. It takes on all sorts of shapes, squeezes its way...
What is CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

What is CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Your heart rate increases as you make your way over to your phone. You sent the text an hour ago, and have checked it at least 10 times since. You hit the home button and…nothing.No text, just the time. A big glaring reminder that over an hour has passed since...