Although being single isn’t always celebrated in our culture, it should be. Being single is an opportunity to invest in ourselves. Our single seasons are the times we get to be introspective, to reintroduce ourselves …. to ourselves, and to reshape the parts and pieces of our lives that no longer feel aligned. Whenever you find yourself unattached and without a partner, embrace the experience. Lean into the freedom and use the time on your own to cultivate a deeply loving and joy-filled relationship with you. And as a guide for how to do this, here are five things to focus on when you are single.
Yourself. Have a love affair with yourself. Many people in long-term marriages or relationships would give anything for just one month on their own. Take advantage of the time and energy you have and give it all to yourself. Indulge. Be selfish. Travel alone. Go to the places you’ve always wanted to go, take the classes you’ve been dying to take, and join the gym or yoga studio you’ve been eying for months. Eat your favorite foods and watch the movies only you love to watch. Bask in the glory of putting yourself first because being single is a very special time.
Health. Now is the perfect time to get in shape, mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Become the person you’d like to be in a relationship with. You have the time, you have the energy, and you may also need the distraction. One added benefit is that as you become healthier on all the levels, your world will reflect this back to you and you will begin to attract healthier potential partners, friends, and opportunities.
Lifestyle. It is much more difficult to relocate to a new city, make a career change, or begin a health journey when you are in a steady, committed partnership. Why not use your time as a single to create the life you really want to live? It is the perfect opportunity to figure out who you are. Explore new activities, interests, and hobbies. This way, when you do meet someone, they will fit well into a life you already know you love.
Friendships. We all know that friendships, even with our nearest and dearest, can get neglected at the beginning of a new romance. In contrast, being single is the perfect time to strengthen your existing friendships and possibly even begin a few new ones. When you are single, remember to give time and energy to your besties, because although relationships may come and go, friendships will (hopefully) last a lifetime.
Therapy. Use therapy to get over a breakup, to look at why you choose the partners you choose, to break negative patterns, and to build self-esteem. Hello! Therapy is an opportunity to be held accountable and if you really want to make changes in your life and your relationship patterns, you need to be honest with yourself and do the work to make those changes last. Discover the power of therapy for getting to the root of any unresolved or lingering issues before entering into a new relationship, and gain clarity for what you want to create in the future. Click here to meet our therapists at The Relationship Therapy Center.
Other Services offered at The Relationship Therapy Center in California:
In addition to individual therapy, Our Sacramento area counseling clinics located in Roseville and Fair Oaks, CA are pleased to offer a variety of mental health services. We will discuss the importance of self-care and emotional support to help you cope and to discover ways to find healthy ways of dealing with stress.
Individual therapy can be beneficial, with the right therapist. Our compassionate therapists are trained to walk you through the process and help you find healing and peace. Please contact our therapy office to learn more about the many ways we can help you and your loved ones heal, grow, and love healthy.